Case # Date Registered Country Project Name Status Key Issue(s)
SRM0001 India India High Range Mountain Landscape Project (IHRML) Closed
  • Access to Information / Consultation
  • Biodiversity
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Displacement / Resettlement
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights
  • Land and Resource Rights
  • Stakeholder Engagement / Consultation
SRM0002 Uganda Business Call to Action Alliance Closed
  • Displacement / Resettlement
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Human Rights
  • Land and Resource Rights
  • Monitoring, Reporting and Compliance
SRM0003 Bosnia and Herzegovi Floods Response and Recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina Closed
  • Biodiversity
  • Displacement / Resettlement
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Pollution Prevention
SRM0004 Malawi Malawi National Registration and Identification System Closed
  • Community Working Conditions
  • Human Rights
  • Monitoring, Reporting and Compliance
  • Social and Environmental Screening Procedure Process
  • Stakeholder Engagement / Consultation
SRM0005 Lebanon Solid Waste Management project Closed
  • Displacement / Resettlement
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Land and Resource Rights
  • Social and Environmental Screening Procedure Process
  • Stakeholder Engagement / Consultation
SRM0006 Myanmar Integrated Protected Area Land and Seascape Management in Tanintharyi (Ridge to Reef) Closed
  • Access to Information / Consultation
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change Mitigation / Adaptation
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social and Environmental Screening Procedure Process
  • Stakeholder Engagement / Consultation
SRM007 Mauritius Mainstreaming biodiversity into the management of the coastal zone in the Republic of Mauritius Closed
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change Mitigation / Adaptation
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Land and Resource Rights
  • Natural Resources
  • Social and Environmental Screening Procedure Process
  • Stakeholder Engagement / Consultation
SRM008 Jordan Heart of Amman Closed
  • Access to Information / Consultation
  • Stakeholder Engagement / Consultation
SRM009 Iraq Funding Facility for Stabilization Open
  • Community Health and Safety
SRM010 India Enhancing Climate Resilience of India’s Coastal Communities Open
  • Biodiversity
SRM011 Syria Solid wastes and debris management Closed
  • Community Working Conditions
SRM012 Cambodia SDG Impact – Catalysing private sector capital for the SDGs Open
  • Biodiversity
  • Community Health and Safety
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Displacement / Resettlement
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights

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